Saturday, September 21, 2013

Look Ma! No photos! What the???

As I take a quick look back at some of my blog posts, I can't help but notice that a whole slew of them are simply written themes or ideas without any accompanying images. Obviously, this was not planned, and I know a photographer's blog should be very visual, but there are several good reasons for this.

The main one is time. Some of the ideas I've had for posts were just short thoughts or announcements that I wanted to post immediately due to their time-sensitive nature.  Not only did they not especially need photos to go with them, but (at least for me) editing images to add to a post is time-consuming.

Because of this, it seems I've been putting off many of my more extensive and interesting ideas and tutorials because I haven't taken the time to arrange and edit the many photo examples I need to illustrate what I'm trying to say or get across.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is I will make it a priority to start posting ideas and topics that include a variety of pretty cool images to clearly show what I'm saying.

After all, isn't that really whatchu whatchu whatchu want???

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