Well, hello there. Photographer Steve Hlavac here. Based in Central Florida, US of A. That's as good a starting point as any. The rest we'll figure out as we go along...
I'm new to Blogger, and I've been a card-carrying member lurking here for far too long without making the effort to actually post. So today that changes. Yeah, I know. Curb your enthusiasm...
Which is not to say I am new to blogging. Many of you here will surely know me from my original blog at photographyreview.com. If not, you can read my older blog archives here:
Anyway, let's get this one in the books. Then I can concentrate on what I do best: entertaining you with my photo-maniacal whimsy. With lots of projects in the works, I promise to be right here on a very regular basis to share it all with you!
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