Monday, June 28, 2010

This Month In Style Magazine...

The June issue of Lake & Sumter Style Magazine has a fun cover story and feature on deep sea fishing captain Jeff Anderson written by Kristina Kolesa. My photos used for both. His fishing charter business is based near Key Largo, but his roots and family are in nearby Mount Dora. A really fun guy to spend time with and (obviously) a ton of fishing stories to tell. The magazine is available free at locations throughout Lake and Sumter Counties. All artwork ©2010 Steven Paul Hlavac and Lake & Sumter Style Magazine.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Let's Get This Party Started...

Well, hello there. Photographer Steve Hlavac here. Based in Central Florida, US of A. That's as good a starting point as any. The rest we'll figure out as we go along...

I'm new to Blogger, and I've been a card-carrying member lurking here for far too long without making the effort to actually post. So today that changes. Yeah, I know. Curb your enthusiasm...

Which is not to say I am new to blogging. Many of you here will surely know me from my original blog at If not, you can read my older blog archives here:

Anyway, let's get this one in the books. Then I can concentrate on what I do best: entertaining you with my photo-maniacal whimsy. With lots of projects in the works, I promise to be right here on a very regular basis to share it all with you!